
If you are tired of dealing with teeth that don’t feel or fit right, call and schedule an appointment with Northwest Center for Dentistry.

The team from your Kalispell dentists’ office is equipped to help you come up with the best solution whether you are wearing dentures or dealing with natural teeth that shouldn’t be there anymore.

Why Dental Implants Work

Because dental implants fuse to the jawbone, yes they really do, the dental post acts like a natural tooth root giving you your youthful appearance back.

If you wear dentures or have missing teeth you’ll know that your jaw doesn’t look or feel the same way it used to.

Dental Implants Fix Jaw Resorption

Biting and chewing keep the jawbone exercised and preserved. However, if the tooth is removed and remains missing, the jaw bone will start to deteriorate.

In fact, in the first year after extraction you’ll lose 25 percent of the bone that was under the missing tooth. That loss will continue over time as well.

Dental implants avoid bone resorption because the post is the new tooth root. It really is that simple.

Dental Implants instead of Dentures

Because dental implants have changed over the years, more and more people are becoming good candidates.

Even people who have worn dentures for years and people who have never replaced missing teeth may be suitable for the best replacement for missing teeth. That replacement is dental implants.

Dentures and Missing Teeth

While dentures are a perfectly good replacement for missing teeth, anything is better than nothing.

You see, missing teeth cause problems for other teeth. If you have a missing tooth your remaining teeth will do their best to move into position.

If you wear dentures you will know, or will learn that you will have to replace your dentures over time.

Weight loss or gain and changes in your jawbone, which are inevitable, will cause ill-fitting dentures. Dr. Cameron Clark explains that while implants may seem expensive, they are much more cost effective in the long run.

Dental Bridges

Another replacement for missing teeth, dental bridges, literally bridges the gap between the missing teeth.

This is an excellent replacement and can last for years, but you will still deal with bone loss as there is nothing to exercise the tooth. Again, dental implants are a much better bet in the long run.

If you would like more information regarding dental implants for missing teeth, call or send a direct message and talk to a team member from Northwest Center for Dentistry today.