
Dental Checkups and Cleanings are Vital

Your teeth and gums require regular dental checkups. Think of it this way, after all the work you do for the rest of your body paying the same attention to your smile just makes sense.

From regular dental checkups and professional cleanings to dental restoration replacements and cosmetic dentistry your smile introduces you to the world.

However, that isn’t the most important thing. According to Northwest Center for Dentistry your smile is also the doorway to overall health.

Gum Disease and Overall Health

Dr. Cameron Clark explains that bacteria from gum disease invade the rest of your system through the bloodstream. Keeping it in check prevents plaque and tartar from building up on your vessels and into your arteries as well.

Studies show that periodontal disease seems to be the link when it comes to certain types of diseases. For example, people who suffer from heart attacks and stroke have a higher incidence of gum disease.

With that being said it makes sense to see your oral hygienist in Kalispell twice a year. While twice a year is great for some others may require additional deep cleanings to keep decay and gum disease at bay. The only way to know for sure is to schedule an appointment with your dentist in Kalispell.

Dental Checkups for Optimal Health

After Dr. Clark examines your smile he will determine what needs to be done. For instance, if have periodontal disease, which is not curable, you will probably require 4 professional cleanings per year with your Kalispell dental hygienist.

While it is incurable it is very controllable when you work with the team from Northwest Center for Dentistry.

In addition to helping you keep gum disease under control keeping your teeth free from decay and periodontitis also allows you to entertain the idea of cosmetic dentistry.

Cosmetic Dentistry Kalispell

Dr. Clark is a dentist who is passionate about keeping your teeth healthy and beautiful. For instance, if you weren’t born with straight teeth clear removable braces could be the answer for slightly tipped and tilted teeth.

In addition your cosmetic dentist in Kalispell is also able to lighten your teeth and change the shape with professional teeth whitening and porcelain veneers.

There is no end to what you can do with your smile when you become a patient of Northwest Center for Dentistry.

A New Smile is Waiting

If you would like to proceed with regular dental checkups send a direct message and schedule an appointment. The team is ready to make you smile from ear to ear.

Send a direct message today.


Give Your Teeth a Rest Sometimes

If you are like most people you forget to rinse after you eat a sugary snack or anything for that matter, which is bad for teeth.

From the tablespoon of sugar that you add to your tea or coffee in the morning to the donut you love the minute you get to work, your teeth just don’t get a break.

Watch Your Food Intake

Add the rest of your daily food intake habits into the picture and you are asking for tooth decay and gum disease

Make a habit of rinsing with water after you eat or drink. This will make a huge difference when it comes to the sugar bath you are giving your teeth on a daily basis.

Sugar and Your Teeth

According to Dr. Cameron Clark sugar converts to bacteria and while your mouth is loaded with it, the bad stuff will take over if you don’t make an effort to rinse your teeth.

Of course brushing twice and flossing once a day is essential, but so is rinsing after you enjoy a snack that is loaded with sugar.

Your Kalispell dental hygienist explains that giving your teeth at break from sugary snacks is the best way to prevent tooth decay.

Sipping or eating sugary foods over long periods of time is bad for teeth. This is because the sugar used that produces the acids attacks the enamel on your teeth.

Don’t Let Plaque Become Tartar

According to your dental hygienist in Kalispell, acid converts to plaque. Most carbonated drinks, including energy drinks, are loaded with acid which is doubly bad for teeth.

With that being said, sugar is in everything. Read your labels and cut down on the sweet stuff. In addition, keep starchy foods at bay as well.

Foods like cookies, cakes, breads and chips are tough to get rid of. These types of foods are loaded with sugar and eat away at the enamel on your teeth.

Eat a Healthy Diet

Instead of sweet and sugary snacks try munching on crunchy veggies like celery and carrots, or curb your sweet tooth with an apple or orange. Just be sure to keep citrus to a minimum as too much can damage the enamel on your teeth.

Regular Professional Teeth Cleanings

Give your teeth a break once in a while and don’t forget to schedule regular dental check ups and professional cleanings with Northwest Center for Dentistry.

Your teeth will love you for it. Send a direct message today.