
Emergency Dentist a Phone Call Away

If you are need of an emergency dentist, and let’s face it, mouth injuries happen, call Northwest Center for Dentistry.

Dr. Cameron Clark and his team are always available to help you whether you knocked out a tooth on the playing field or lost a crown while eating your favorite peanut brittle from the county fair.

Emergency Dentist in Kalispell

Whatever the emergency, you are in the best hands when you visit this emergency dentist in Kalispell.

Of course there are some things that you can do before you get to the dental practice in Kalispell. By following these tips you can hopefully save your tooth or dental crown.

Knocked Out Tooth

One of the most common injuries is knocked out teeth. Recreational and pro athletes have lost teeth numerous times because of balls and racquets. However, you can save the tooth if you can locate it and get to the dentist in time.

If you do find your knocked out tooth pick it up by the crown as you do now want to disturb the roots which are covered in tissues and nerves.

If the tooth is dirty do not scrub but rinse before placing back in the socket. If you aren’t able to put it back into the socket place in a bowl of milk or hold the tooth next to your cheek always remembering to keep it moist.

According to your dentist in Kalispell you have 30 minutes to get to the dentist. If you wait any longer you are at risk of losing the tooth completely.

Lost Restorations and Your Emergency Dentist

Again finding the restoration and taking it with you to Northwest Center for Dentistry is the most important part of saving your crown or filling. If you have lost the top part of your dental implant be sure to do your best to save it as your Kalispell implant dentist will be able to reattach it if there is no damage.

Never Ignore Toothaches

A toothache should always be considered an emergency. Even a mild toothache can mean something more sinister is happening behind the scenes. Make sure that you let Dr. Clark and his dental hygienist know if you have a constant or even a sometimes throbbing pain in a particular tooth. If you have bleeding gums be sure to mention it to your Kalispell family dentist as well.

Kalispell Emergency Dentist

If you have any of the above issues see your emergency dentist in Kalispell immediately to prevent things from getting worse. The sooner you get to the dentist the better.

Call now if you need an emergency dentist or just want to make an appointment as you are ALWAYS better safe than sorry.




Cosmetic Dentistry Yes of Course You Can

If your smile doesn’t feel like it used to because it is stained, chipped or cracked call and schedule an appointment for cosmetic dentistry in Kalispell.

Cosmetic dentisry goes the extra mile providing you with additional options when it comes to a healthy and feel good smile.

An Eye for Your Smile

Northwest Center for Dentistry is experienced and passionate about your teeth and gums and how you feel about your smile.

For example, if you aren’t happy with your long eye teeth Dr. Cameron Clark can help. In addition you can have your missing teeth replaced sooner rather than later with dental implants.

Because your Kalispell cosmetic dentist continues his education when it comes to all things dental you are in the best hands.

Cosmetic Dentistry Options

When you go one step further it means altering your smile with cosmetic dentistry solutions such as porcelain veneers, tooth colored fillings or other types of procedures that do more than restore your smile such as dental bonding.

Dental bonding, while restoring your smile, is considered a solution that is both restorative and cosmetic.

Cosmetic Dental Bonding

If you follow this Blog you will remember that dental bonding is, under most circumstances, a same day dental procedure that Dr. Clark uses for small fillings in the fronts of teeth or to repair small cracks among other minor issues.

Your cosmetic dentist in Kalispell also uses dental bonding to repair chipped and cracked teeth and to change the shape of teeth.

For instance, if your eye teeth are a bit too long, your dentist will shape them before applying the dental bonding material. Known as enamel shaping this makes your long eye teeth symmetric with the rest of your smile.

Other Cosmetic Dentistry Options

Other options that Dr. Clark and his team may consider include cosmetic dental crowns or same day dentistry with CEREC®.

CEREC® is a remarkable solution that Northwest Center for Dentistry uses instead of conventional dental crowns.

Because CEREC® is matched to the rest of your tooth and your smile you won’t notice the line that comes along with porcelain to metal crowns.

Conventional all porcelain crowns are a wonderful solution but they will take two dental appointments and you will have to wait for your new restorations. While you wait you will have to deal with temporary dental crowns.

CEREC® is completed in a single dental visit as Northwest Center for Dentistry does everything in house. That means nothing is farmed out to other dental labs.

It really is an incredible process and something you may want to consider if you want or need dental crowns.

Cosmetic Dentisry in Kalispell

For more information regarding cosmetic dentistry or to schedule an appointment, send a direct message to Northwest Center for Dentistry today.


Same Day Dentistry for Awesome Results

Same day dentistry is remarkable and saves you time and money. With CEREC® same day dentistry you can enjoy a new dental crown in one dental visit.

Northwest Center for Dentistry is your one stop shop for CEREC® and all things cosmetic. When you become a patient of this dental practice in Kalispell there is no end to what you can do to give you the smile that you have always wanted.

Same Day Dentistry Kalispell

Same day dentistry usually applies to dental bonding and chairside tooth whitening but since the advent of modern technology things have changed.

Now patients can have a new dental crown with Dr. Cameron Clark in one dental appointment. That can’t happen with conventional dental crowns.

Conventional dental crowns require more steps. That means more time in the dentist’s chair. This is one of the reasons people forego this type of treatment because they just don’t have time for two or sometimes more dental visits.

Conventional Dental Crowns in Kalispell

With conventional crowns you will need dental impressions, x-rays and about two weeks to wait for your restoration. Everything with CEREC® is digital so you won’t have to deal with molds or temporary dental crowns.

Now patients can walk in with a large cavity and walk out with a filling and a same day dental crown that looks and feels like a natural tooth. In fact, your CEREC® dentist matches the color of your tooth to the ceramic giving you lifelike results in one dental visit.

CEREC® Same Day Dentistry is Phenomenal

CEREC®, which means chairside economical restoration of esthetic ceramic, is a cosmetic dentistry solution that is used for crowns, dental implants and much more.

Patients love the convenience of this restoration. They also love the fact that it looks more natural than traditional crowns.

Metal to porcelain crowns and all metal crowns are anything but invisible. If you have a crown that contains metal you know how noticeable it is.

With CEREC® no one, except you and Dr. Clark, will know that you have a new dental crown.

Dr. Clark uses CEREC® dental crowns whenever a traditional crown is required. Because the biocompatible dental resin looks so lifelike, this Kalispell cosmetic dentist recommends it to patients who don’t have time to wait for a conventional crown.

CEREC® Same Day Dentistry

Northwest Center for Dentistry is a preferred same day dentistry provider with everything you need in one place. Schedule a consultation online and find out more about CEREC® today.



Proactive Dentistry for Healthy Teeth and Gums

When it comes to oral health, practicing proactive dentistry is essential. If you aren’t diligent about oral health care you will pay the price with tooth decay and gum disease.

Being proactive means preventing things before they happen. As they say, “Prevention is worth a pound of cure.”

According to Northwest Center for Dentistry brushing twice and flossing once a day is a good start, but there is much more when it comes to being proactive with oral health care.

Proactive Dentistry in Kalispell

While it all starts with brushing twice and flossing once each day proactive dental care also means twice yearly professional cleanings. In addition, your Kalispell family dentist recommends yearly dental checkups.

Of course if you are prone to tooth decay and gum disease more frequent cleanings and checkups may be just what Dr. Cameron Clark ordered.

What is Gum Disease?

Gum disease is the main reason adults lose teeth. However, these days it seems as if that age is declining with more men and women losing teeth in their late twenties and early thirties. According to the experts it’s because of poor oral hygiene habits. It’s also because of a lack of proactive dentistry.

Gum disease happens when food particles and bacteria build up on teeth and gums. People who don’t brush and floss as they should are susceptible to not only plaque, but tartar as well.

Technically referred to as calculus, tartar is the hard stuff that can only be removed by your family dentist in Kalispell.

If left to its own devices, tartar will eat away at the gums and bone. If that happens you will notice shifts in the way your teeth are positioned. If left untreated you will also notice lose teeth.

If proper care isn’t taken those lose teeth could become lost teeth. Again, proper care means proactive dentistry for your entire chewing system.

Be Proactive with Gum Disease

While some people have no signs of gum disease others will. Check for bleeding when you blush and floss and also inspect your toothbrush for blood. Both of these are symptoms of gingivitis or the more serious periodontal disease.

Other signs that you may be suffering from gum disease include chronic bad breath, lose and lost teeth.

Only Northwest Center can tell for sure if you are dealing with gingivitis, which is curable, or the more serious periodontitis. Periodontitis is easily controlled by your dentist, but is not curable.

If you would like to be more proactive with dental care become a patient of Dr. Cameron Clark.

Dr. Clark and his team are dedicated to your oral health and practice proactive dentistry for every member of your family.

Call or send a direct message and schedule an appointment today.




Dental Implants Naturally Better

If you have missing teeth or have a bad tooth that has to go call and schedule an appointment for dental implants.

Dental implants are the finest replacement for missing teeth and function just like natural teeth do.

Missing Teeth More than Missing

Missing teeth cause issues making early replacement necessary for the health of other teeth and your bone as well. In other words, the sooner you replace your missing teeth the better.

Firstly, the other teeth will move into position to help the lost tooth. Secondly, the jaw starts to shrink because it had nothing to exercise the roots.

Northwest Center for Dentistry explains that dental implants preserve both the other teeth and jaw as they act as natural tooth roots capped with a beautiful natural looking tooth. You won’t believe the results with dental implants from Kalispell.

Dental Implants for the Foods You Enjoy

According to talented implant dentist Dr. Cameron Clark dental implants allow you to enjoy the foods you used to love without having to chew on one side.

You won’t have to worry about your dentures falling out when you take a bite of your T-Bone either.

Dental Implants for Missing Teeth

While most patients are excellent candidates for single and multiple dental implants you must have an examination by a dental implant dentist.

People who smoke, those with certain systemic diseases and others who are prone to gum disease may be more suited to other types of tooth replacements.

If you follow the Northwest Center for Dentistry Blog you will recall that gum disease is the number one reason people lose teeth.

People who aren’t diligent with oral hygiene need to be with implants. If implant patients do not brush and floss twice a day, schedule regular dental checkups and follow a healthy diet they too are at risk for gum disease.

While the teeth on top of the posts aren’t real and can’t decay, gums can certainly become diseased. Gum disease is a real problem when it comes to dental implant failure.

Dr. Clark will determine the health of your gums before proceeding with any type of procedure including dental implants.

Dental Implant Experts

You don’t have to deal with missing teeth. Call or schedule an appointment with Northwest Center for Dentistry as they truly are the dental implant specialists.

From diagnoses to placement you won’t find a better dental implant dentist in Kalispell. Call or send a direct message and schedule an appointment with Northwest Center for Dentistry today.