
Best Implant Dentist in Kalispell

If you have been missing teeth or are about to lose a few, schedule an appointment with an implant dentist in Kalispell.

These days, dentures and bridges aren’t the only replacement for missing teeth. Dental implants are remarkable and work just like natural teeth.

Implant Dentist in Kalispell

Implant dentistry is an incredible way to replace your missing teeth with something that actually fuses to your jawbone.

The process, called osseointegration, is a phenomenon that occurs when the implant screw fuses to the bone just like a natural tooth root.

This makes dental implants natural and healthy. Best of all; dental implants will last for decades as long as you practice good oral hygiene. Of course this includes regular dental checkups with your Kalispell implant dentist.

Dental Implants

Although there is a 95 percent success rate, implant failure does occur. While most people are excellent candidates for implant dentistry some are not. People who smoke, over indulge in alcohol or suffer from certain diseases may not be suitable candidates.

The only way to determine if you and dental implants are a good fit is to schedule an appointment with your implant dentist in Kalispell.

Northwest Center for Dentistry has the experience and knowledge to place single, multiple or full sets of dental implants.

Custom Made to Suit

Dr. Cameron Clark is an implant dentist who understands the importance of a full set of teeth.

Missing teeth cause problems for other teeth. Even one missing tooth can be an issue. If you are missing one or more teeth you know how annoying it can be to enjoy the foods you used to.

With custom made dental implants you will be able to dig into that delicious steak or crisp apple because they really do act as natural teeth with natural tooth roots.

Depending on what type of tooth replacement is recommended, your restoration could also include partial or complete dentures, bridges and/or crowns.

Dental Implant Dentist in Kalispell

If you have missing teeth you don’t have to have them forever. Call or send a direct message and schedule an appointment for a consultation.

Northwest Dental Specialties has the answer whether you are missing one tooth or an entire mouthful.

Call or send a direct message and schedule your consultation with your implant dentist in Kalispell today. You will be glad you did and so will your teeth and gums.

Book your appointment online today.


CEREC® Crowns an Awesome Time Saver

If time is the reason you aren’t taking care of teeth, send a direct message to Northwest Center for Dentistry for CEREC® crowns.  CEREC® is an amazing chairside procedure that not all dentists in Kalispell offer.

CEREC® Crowns instead of Traditional

CEREC® crowns are made and placed in the same day. In addition, CEREC® dental crowns are manufactured at your dentist’s office in Kalispell.

Dr. Cameron Clark explains that this type of dental crown matches the rest of your tooth. This means you won’t see any metal because there isn’t any.

In the past dentists didn’t have the CEREC® advantage instead making crowns out of porcelain, porcelain to metal or metal.

While porcelain crowns are matched to the tooth they aren’t made in a day. In fact, because the restorations are sent to a lab for manufacture you will probably have to wait about two weeks for final placement.

CEREC® avoids the messy impressions that go with conventional crowns as well. Because digital cameras are used during the process you won’t have to deal with those uncomfortable impressions that often make you gag.

All Types of Teeth

According to Northwest Center for Dentistry chairside economical restorations of esthetic ceramics or CEREC® are perfect for nearly every patient. However, the only way you will know if it is the right fit for you is to schedule an appointment with your Kalispell dentist.

One of the best reasons to invest in CEREC® is time and money. Because you aren’t spending multiple appointments in the dental chair you won’t be paying for additional visits.

Your CEREC® crowns are fitted, made and placed in one dental appointment. It doesn’t get much easier than that.

What You’ll Love about CEREC® Crowns!

  • No Metal
  • No Uncomfortable Impressions
  • No Waiting
  • Natural Looking
  • No Temporary Dental Crowns
  • Durable and Natural Looking

One Single Dental Visit

Bonded to your natural tooth using a natural looking dental material that is made from the in-house milling machine, your new crown is bonded to your tooth making it look just like your old tooth only better and stronger.

Traditional or CEREC® Crowns

If you are always in a hurry CEREC® crowns are the way to go. However, if you have time traditional could be the way to go. With that being said only Dr. Cameron Clark and his team can determine what type of dental crown is best for your situation.

Dental Care in Kalispell

If you would like to learn more about CEREC® crowns or any other type of service from your dentist in Kalispell, call or send a direct message and schedule an appointment today.


A Smile Makes Others Happy Too

A smile is the best way to keep your spirits up. In fact, when you do you are helping others. In other words, it’s contagious.

According to Northwest Center for Dentistry a smile makes other people unconsciously smile as well. However, that isn’t the only reason you should make grinning a habit.

Why Smiling is Good for You

When you smile you are releasing those feel good endorphins. Those same endorphins are the ones that can also boost your immune system and help those around you have a better day.

When you smile you are actually preventing serious illness so go on, turn up the corners of your mouth. You really will feel better.

A Natural Pain Reliever

When you smile you are telling your body that you are excited or happy. Smiling helps your body release serotonin, endorphins and dopamine.

The neurotransmitters that help you feel great are natural pain relievers. If you are feeling a bit achy, try it yourself. Don’t be surprised if those pains start to diminish the minute you start beaming from ear to ear.

Smiling Reduces Anxiety

Stress is something that affects people 24 hours a day, seven days a week. However, there is something you can do about it.

A study back in 2012 revealed that folks who smile during and through a stressful event, had a lower heart rate than those who didn’t smile.

Whenever you smile, even if it isn’t genuine, you will feel better about yourself and be less stressed.

A Smile Boosts Creativity

Smiling activates your brain. You are also helping your brain become more creative. Negative emotions do just the opposite. When you grin you are coming up with innovative solutions helping increase your creative flow.

Dr. Cameron Clark from Northwest Center for Dentistry can’t stress the importance of a smile.

Smiling Makes You Attractive

People who grin are naturally more attractive. Studies indicate that those who do appear more relaxed, reliable, sincere and attractive. In fact, both men and women were more attracted to photos of people who were showing off their pearly whites.

Talk to Northwest Center for Dentistry about cosmetic dentistry. It really can help you feel better about your grin.

Smiling Helps Beat Depression

When you turn up the corners on your mouth you are helping beat depression. Some studies show that frowning does just the opposite and can make you feel worse.

Your dentist in Kalispell recommends grinning if you are feeling depressed as it can change your entire day or life.

If you can’t remember the last time you felt like smiling because of your teeth and gums, call or send a direct message and talk to a team member from Northwest Dental Center today.


A Kalispell Dentist for Healthy Gums

If you have been complaining about swollen, red gums it’s time to schedule an appointment with Northwest Center for Dentistry. Healthy gums mean no swelling. Gum inflammation is a sure sign that something is not right.

Puffy gums could mean gingivitis or the more serious periodontal disease. If that is the case you need to call your Kalispell dentist as soon as possible.

Gum Disease is No Fun

Gum disease, in its earliest stages is curable. Clinically known as gingivitis, you won’t always have signs or symptoms.

If that is the case you may think you have healthy gums. This is one of the reasons that regular dental checkups and professional cleanings are so important.

Dr. Cameron Clark recommends twice yearly professional cleanings along with annual dental checkups for healthy gums. With that being said you may need to schedule more frequent dental checkups if you are prone to gum disease or tooth decay.

No Healthy Gums with Gingivitis

As previously mentioned in this dental blog, gingivitis is the first stage of gum disease. If you have gingivitis you could have puffy gums that bleed when you brush.

Gingivitis is curable and easily controlled if you brush twice and floss once a day. Regular checkups and cleanings also prevent gingivitis.

If you are prone to gingivitis or periodontal disease, as some people are, talk to Dr. Clark about proactive dentistry in Kalispell.

Slim Chance of Healthy Gums with Periodontitis

The more serious form of gum disease, periodontitis is not curable. Because it damages the gum tissue, which will not regenerate, you must see your dentist in Kalispell to help control your periodontal disease.

Some of the symptoms people endure include red, puffy and bleeding gums and pockets between the teeth and gums. Those pockets mean plaque and tartar is entering your bloodstream.

Controlling Disease for Healthy Gums

Controlling periodontal disease may also require deep cleanings twice or more times every year. Depending on your situation, Northwest Center for Dentistry might also recommend regular root scaling and planing to prevent plaque and tartar buildup.

Oral Hygiene Habits and Healthy Gums

People with periodontal disease are more likely to lose teeth and to suffer from a serious disease.

Research indicates a connection between overall and oral health. That connection seems to be inflammation from gingivitis and periodontal disease.

For instance, people with Alzheimer’s disease and those who suffer from COPD seem to have a higher percentage of periodontal disease. That means regular dental checkups are even more imperative.

Dental Checkups in Kalispell

You don’t have to suffer from gingivitis or periodontal disease. Call or send a direct message and talk to Northwest Center for Dentistry.

Healthy gums are just around the corner. Book your dental checkup online today.



Cosmetic Dentistry Choices in Kalispell

Northwest Center for Dentistry has everything you need to make your smile shine. From professional teeth whitening to dental implants and cosmetic dental crowns you are in the best hands when you become a patient of this Kalispell cosmetic dentist.

Cosmetic Dentistry in Kalispell

Dr. Clark and his team pride themselves on continued education and love providing patients with the best of the best dental technology.

Dr. Cameron Clark has a keen eye and certainly has the training to provide you with porcelain veneers or dental bonding.

One of the biggest decisions people make is what type of cosmetic dentistry procedures would be best.

For example, some patients would fare better with porcelain veneers while others would be more suited to cosmetic dental bonding.

The only way to determine what procedure is best is to schedule an appointment with Northwest Center for Dentistry.

Your Dental Appointment in Kalispell

After your Kalispell family dentist thoroughly checks your teeth, gums and your bite the two of you will discuss what options would be best for you and your smile.

If both bonding and veneers are on the list it’s up to you to determine what procedure would be best for you.

While Dr. Clark can recommend what he would do, the final decision is up to you. Your dentist in Kalispell would never force you into anything that you weren’t comfortable with.

Kalispell Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain veneers are a permanent solution for chipped, stained and cracked teeth. These thin sheets of dental porcelain are custom made to fit the fronts of teeth.

Veneers are extremely thin, but do require some permanent enamel removal as this makes for a secure fit. Because of the removal you will need to wear temporaries until your custom made dental veneers are ready.

When your porcelain veneers are ready Dr. Clark and his team will check for fit and color before cementing into place.

Veneers shine just like your natural teeth and can last up to a decade or more as long as you practice good oral hygiene.

Kalispell Dental Bonding

This reversible dental treatment also repairs chips and cracks, but is not a permanent cosmetic dentistry procedure. Bonding also covers stained teeth and can last for five to ten years with good care.

If you are a good fit for this cosmetic dentistry treatment Dr. Clark will choose a resin that best matches the tooth or teeth that need to be repaired. After the color is picked the tooth is etched or conditioned before the resin is applied.

After application the bonding is cured with a light or laser and then trimmed and polished to perfection.

Northwest Center for Dentistry

If you would like to learn more about cosmetic dentistry, call or send a direct message and talk to Northwest Center for Dentistry today.