
5 Dental Emergency Tips and Tricks

If you or a family member has a dental emergency, call your dentist in Kalispell. Northwest Center for Dentistry is here to handle any type of dental emergency whether you have just had your tooth knocked out or dealing with a lost dental restoration.

Dental Emergency Help

Whatever the problem, your emergency dentist in Kalispell is ready to handle your issue. In the meantime, below are some things you can do before you get to the dental practice in Kalispell.

1. Toothaches

If you have a toothache, rinse your mouth with tepid water. Brush and floss to remove any food particles that may be causing the pain.

If you notice swelling, apply an icepack to the outside. Never place painkillers such as aspirin near the gums of the tooth as it can burn your tissue. See your dentist as quickly as you can to avoid additional tooth damage.

2. Chipped/Broken Teeth

Save any parts of the tooth if you can. Rinse your mouth with warm water. If it is bleeding apply some gauze to the area until it stops. Apply cold compresses outside of your mouth to help relieve pain and call Northwest Center for Dentistry as quickly as possible.

3. Knocked Out Tooth

If you can find the tooth, hold it by the top, not the roots, rinse with water being careful not to disturb the tissue on the tooth. Never scrub. If possible place the tooth back in the socket being careful not to force it. If you cannot get it into the socket place it in a container of milk and get to your emergency dentist in Kalispell ASAP.

4. Lost Fillings

Lost fillings can be annoying and painful. If you lose a filling, use a piece of chewed sugarless gum, and place it in the hole where the filling used to be. Gum with sugar will cause pain. You can also use dental cement from your local pharmacy. If you have lost a filling it is essential that you see your dentist in Kalispell immediately.

5. Tooth Abscess

Abscesses are tooth infections. They affect the roots of the teeth and the spaces between your teeth and gums. Any type of infection is serious and should be taken care of immediately as the abscess can spread to other parts of your body.

You should see your dentist as quickly as possible if you discover a lump or bump that resembles a pimple. You can try and ease the pain by rinsing with a water and salt solution numerous times each day.

Don’t Ignore a Dental Emergency

If you have a dental emergency, call or send a direct message to Northwest Center for Dentistry immediately.


Cosmetic Dentistry from Subtle to Dramatic

If your smile is something you would rather not show to the world, call and schedule a no obligation consultation with Northwest Center for Dentistry.

The talented Dr. Cameron Clark and his team have the experience and knowledge to give you the best recommendations for your smile.

From clear braces for crooked teeth to a complete mouth makeover with dental implants you are in the best hands when it comes to cosmetic dentistry in Kalispell.

Cosmetic Dentistry Works Wonders

It’s amazing what a few subtle changes can do for your smile. For example, if your teeth are perfectly straight, but stained because of too much coffee, tea and red wine, professional teeth whitening may be all you need to turn up the corners on your mouth.

If you require more restorative and/or cosmetic dentistry, talk to Northwest Center for Dentistry about a full smile makeover.

A Smile Makeover in Kalispell

Smile makeovers consist of one or more procedures that could take two or more dental consultations for procedures.

For example, if you have missing teeth, your dentist in Kalispell will either recommend dental implants, the best replacement, dentures or bridges. It all depends on your circumstances.

Cosmetic dentistry helps chipped and cracked teeth and is often used to lighten smiles.

Other types of cosmetic dentistry that Dr. Cameron may talk to you about include tooth colored fillings, cosmetic dental crowns or porcelain veneers.

Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures

Some of the solutions for your issues include:

  • Complete Smile Makeover
  • Porcelain Veneers
  • Tooth Colored Fillings
  • Orthodontics
  • Oral Appliance Therapy
  • Crowns
  • Bridges
  • Dental Implants
  • Dentures
  • Cosmetic Dental Bonding
  • Professional Teeth Whitening

While you may think oral appliance therapy is a strange cosmetic dentistry solution it really is not.

Because your bite plays a massive role in the way your teeth fit together it affects how they wear as well.

For example, if you have problems with your temporomandibular joint, or what is known as TMJD, you could be clenching and grinding your teeth as chronic tooth grinding wears teeth down.

Your Cosmetic Dentist Knows

The only way to know what solutions are best for your teeth and gums is to schedule a cosmetic dentistry consultation with Northwest Center for Dentistry.

Dr. Cameron Clark will thoroughly examine your smile and explore restorative and cosmetic solutions so that you can come up with an informed decision.

Call or send a direct message and schedule a cosmetic dentistry consultation in Kalispell today.


A Dental Restoration Checkup for a Healthy Mouth

If you haven’t had your fillings examined in some time it’s time to call your dentist in Kalispell for a dental restorations checkup.

The Northwest Center for Dentistry offers the best proactive and preventive care. This means if you have broken or leaky dental fillings you will be made aware of it before those restorations get worse.

For example, if you have an old silver amalgam filling that looks chipped but isn’t causing you any problems it could be hiding something.

According to Dr. Cameron Clark broken down dental restorations mean more decay can enter the tooth. While you may think your tooth is protected by your seven year old silver filling it really isn’t.

Old Dental Restorations Cause Problems

As previously mentioned, old fillings can harbor other problems including additional decay in the tooth.

Only your dentist in Kalispell can tell if your restorations are sound as sometimes you won’t feel any pain. If you do notice a crack or chip be sure to call and talk to a team member from Northwest Center for Dentistry as soon as you can.

When fillings get old they can crack and chip. Because old dental fillings contract and expand with hot and cold the chances of breakage are higher than they are with a resin filling.

The only way to prevent further damage from old fillings is to schedule regular dental checkups.

Your dentist will not only examine your oral cavity, but also check your fillings, dental bridges, dental bonding and inlays and onlays. If you have dental implants or dentures, Northwest Center for Dentistry will check those out as well.

Dental Checkups in Kalispell

When you schedule your dental appointment in Kalispell make sure you book in for a comprehensive dental checkup.

Comprehensive dental checkups give your dentist the opportunity to take a peek at your tongue, cheeks and throat along with your teeth and gums.

Early detection is the key when it comes to anything suspicious. Your family dentist in Kalispell has the knowledge and training to search for lumps, bumps, patches or strange colors in your mouth.

Most times people do not notice any of these symptoms right away but Dr. Clark and his team will.

Dental Restoration Checkup and More

If you haven’t had a dental checkup or had your dental restorations checked lately call and schedule an appointment with Northwest Center for Dentistry. You’ll be glad you did and so will the rest of you.

Call and schedule an appointment for a dental restoration checkup with your dentist in Kalispell today.


Dental Implants a Permanent Replacement

If you are one of those people contemplating dental implants, call and schedule an appointment with Northwest Center for Dentistry.

Northwest Center for Dentistry has the experience and expertise to replace missing teeth so that you can eat, drink and be merry.

Dental implants are the best replacement for missing teeth and are above and beyond other types of appliances such as bridges and dentures.

While dentures, partial dentures and dental bridges are better than a missing tooth, they are nowhere near as good as permanent replacements for missing teeth. Furthermore, dentures and bridges won’t last forever.

Dental Implants for Missing Teeth

Dental implants are permanent replacements for missing teeth. In addition, they can last for the rest of your life if you continue good oral hygiene. Your dental implant supported dental crowns won’t decay, but brushing and flossing is highly recommended.

Northwest Center for Dentistry recommends twice yearly visits along with brushing and flossing. You will need to treat your new artificial teeth as you would your natural teeth and continue brushing twice a day along with diligent once daily flossing.

Dental implants are durable, but are also the best replacements because they:

  • Improve Speech
  • Provide Better Comfort
  • Make Eating Easier
  • Are More Convenient
  • Improve Confidence and Self Esteem
  • Improve Oral Health
  • Are More Durable

Good Candidates for Dental Implants

In the 21st century everyone is an excellent candidate even people who have no teeth or wear dentures.

Your implant dentist in Kalispell explains that whatever your issue dental implants for missing teeth are at the top of the list when it comes to tooth replacements.

Dental Implants are the Best

If you are tired of missing teeth, dentures, bridges or broken teeth, call and talk to Northwest Center for Dentistry. You really can enjoy life again with dental implants.

Call or send a direct message for more information today.



Schedule Dental Checkups for Your Family

It’s the holidays and that means a trip to the dentist. While you might think it’s an odd time to schedule dental checkups it really isn’t, especially if you don’t remember the last time you sat in the chair.

Keeping up with regular dental checkups is crucial as it keeps teeth and gums healthy.

Scheduling regular appointments with Northwest Center for Dentistry means you are practicing preventive dentistry.

What is Preventive Dentistry?

Preventive dentistry means maintaining the best oral health you can. This means a combination of good oral hygiene and regular appointments. With that being said, taking care of teeth prevents tooth decay and gum disease.

Everyone wins with preventive dentistry. Even people with missing teeth benefit from regular dental appointments as denture stomatitis and mouth cancer are often spotted at the dentist’s office in Kalispell.

Dental Checkups and What’s Involved

When you schedule dental checkups for your family with Northwest Center for Dentistry, Dr. Cameron Clark and his team will discuss the health and your teeth and gums before thoroughly examining your mouth.

The main aim is to keep your mouth healthy. A healthy mouth is free from gum disease and tooth decay.

During dental checkups, the dental hygienist will most likely do a clean known as a prophylaxis. This removes plaque and tartar. Called, periodontal therapy, it is the best way to keep your teeth and gums healthy if you are prone to periodontitis.

Northwest Center for Dentistry will also discuss your diet and habits. If you smoke and drink, your oral health may be compromised. Quitting both, or at least cutting down, will help keep your mouth healthy.

Dental Checkups and Restorations

During your dental checkups your restorations are also checked. Dr. Clark and his team will be looking for rough edges, chips and cracks.

If you have silver fillings, your amalgam will be examined for leaks as older fillings of this type will often shrink and expand causing leaks.

Silver amalgam fillings contain mercury. Mercury is toxic. While the FDA deems silver amalgam fillings safe, once they start leaking it is an entirely different story.

During dental checkups, the dental team from Northwest Center for Denstistry will also suggest products and services to keep your teeth and gums healthy. These could include crowns, fillings and dental sealants.

Dental Checkups in Kalispell

If you and your family need dental checkups, call and schedule today. Having healthy teeth and gums is the best way to start the New Year.

Call now.